The Ministry of the Interior and the Croatian Olympic Committee signed a Cooperation Agreement on the Development and Advancement of Sports within the Ministry

17.10.2024 u 07:10
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Zagreb, October 16, 2024 - The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, Davor Božinović, and the Secretary General of the Croatian Olympic Committee, Siniša Krajač, have signed a Cooperation Agreement for the development and advancement of sports within the Ministry of the Interior.

The agreement regulates the mutual cooperation between the Ministry of the Interior and the Croatian Olympic Committee with the aim of improving conditions for the development of high-level sports activities, including enhancing police training focused on the physical and mental well-being of police officers.

The areas of cooperation are significantly expanded to include:

  • Ensuring conditions for conducting police training
  • Mutual use of Ministry and Croatian Olympic Committee facilities
  • Infrastructure investments in the Ministry’s sports facilities and necessary equipment
  • Joint organization of major sporting events
  • Joint preparation for sports competitions
  • Involving top athletes and coaches in extracurricular activities, police training programs, and other forms of professional development
  • Promoting the police profession and sports within the police,
  • Improving the status of categorized athletes employed by the Ministry
  • Promoting a healthy lifestyle
  • Enhancing the quality of training processes

The fields and forms of cooperation also extend to assistance in upgrading Ministry facilities, acquiring sports equipment and resources, and involving top athletes and coaches in extracurricular activities for participants.

The Ministry commits to employing top athletes, and now, under the new Agreement, also coaches, through competitive procedures. Encouraging the development of dual careers and leveraging the experience and recognition of top athletes and coaches will contribute to the promotion of the police profession and the enhancement of police training and sports within the Ministry.

On the other hand, the Agreement enables top athletes, after their careers end, to continue working as coaches in various sports and to be involved in segments of police training.

The Croatian Olympic Committee commits to supporting the development and promotion of police education and quality police training, as well as implementing the most modern pedagogical knowledge and teaching skills in police training programs.

Finally, the Ministry of the Interior commits to ensuring that categorized athletes who are training for police professions are provided with conditions for education and the fulfillment of other obligations, as well as the improvement of their sports careers, including participation in preparations and sports competitions.

The Croatian Olympic Committee is the highest non-governmental national sports body, established with the aim of permanently promoting sports for a healthy life, friendly relations, and peaceful coexistence among people. It is an important partner to the Ministry of the Interior, providing support in the realization of all police sports activities and police training. Today’s signing of the Agreement continues this high-quality cooperation.