
Jurisdiction: HOO/Office for International Relations and Corporate Communications

The first official website was launched in 1996, ahead of the Olympic Games in Atlanta.

In 2003, it was among the top 100 websites in Croatia and the top ten in the Sports and Health category, receiving the national internet award - Vidi Web Top.

A fundamental functional and content redesign of the website was carried out in 2008 for the Beijing Olympics, during which collaborators of the HOO Press Center at the Croatian House in Beijing provided online updates for the first time.

The mobile version of the HOO website was established in 2016.

The website www.hoo.hr utilizes the database from the registry of categorized athletes (extracts from the categorized registry), under the jurisdiction of HOO.

Since January 2012, the portal has incorporated the service of regional and national informative public online linkage of HOO membership called "Sportska Hrvatska," which was awarded the Special Recognition by the Croatian Association of Sports Journalists (HZSN) in 2013 for its media contribution to promoting sports.

Starting from 2017, the HOO website provides access to the digital catalog of HOO's magazine, Olimp.

A new version of the HOO website was launched in January 2023.